Welcome! I am very glad that you’re interested in knowing the person behind Lighting The House.
My name is Mark Braeden & I’m from California. I am a professional electrician & I have been doing my electrical stuff for the last 10 to 12 years. Like most of the boys out there,I have been passionate about electrical things since my childhood.
I have completed my EEE from University Of Southern California. I’ve changed many jobs from my graduation to this day. Yeap! You can call me a job hopper. I still have a day job, besides – I maintain this website in my free time.
My main motive behind creating this website was to enlighten others regarding solutions to various lighting problems. I choose lighting as there are very thin resources about it on the internet.
I’m constantly searching for problems the netizen is facing & I give solutions to them in the form of articles here. Here are some of the most talked about topics on this website – LED lights, LED Light Strips, Floor Lamp & so on.
I plan to cover some of the most fundamental topics related to lighting which will help you to understand the kind of lights that work best for a specific need. Moreover, I will throw in some recommendations, product guides, how-tos for a more comprehensive coverage.
How I Come Up With Solutions To Your Problem?
It is obvious that I myself can’t replicate all the problems to come up with solutions. I often take help from my personal & public communities like Reddit, Quora & various forums to determine the solution.
However, I try my best to give personalized answers to the queries people got regarding various lighting issues. It’s a matter of joy that my EEE degree also helps me conclude solutions in tricky situations.
How I recommend Products: Should You Trust Me?
I try not to suggest products that I have never used. However, I take help from online reviews if I ever need to suggest some new products that I have not used. Here is the process I follow while recommending products to you:
- Step 1: Sort All The Available Products For The Particular Purpose.
- Step 2: Choose Products That Maintain Good Price To Performance Ratio.
- Step 3: Try The Product On My Own If It’s Feasible.
- Step 4: Ask My Community If They Have Any Objection Over The Selected Products.
- Step 5: Search For Negative & Positive Reviews From Quora, Reddit, Forums & Youtube.
- Step 6: Coming To a Conclusion & Recommends The Product To You
These are the Six steps I follow while recommending a product. As no particular company can manipulate my opinion with sponsorship, you can trust my solutions & product recommendations.
If you want to connect with me please knock me at lightingthehouse1@gmail.com.