Yes, LED lights do attract bugs but not as much as traditional light do. Bugs are drawn to LED lights that have a shorter wavelength and produce UV light, as well as those that emit a bright blueish light. This is because many insects use UV light to navigate, so they’re naturally attracted to it. However, LED lights that provide a yellow or red color temperature are less appealing to bugs.
The above-mentioned answer is what we see in the ocean, there’s so much more to explore. So, let’s dive deep into the topic and explore everything you need to know about LED lights and their impact on bug behavior.
Why Bugs Are Attracted to Light?
Before we dive into the specific types of lights that attract bugs, let’s take a step back and understand why bugs are drawn to light in the first place.
In Search Of Heat
Insects are sensitive to changes in temperature and are constantly searching for warm places to rest. During the day, the sun provides ample heat, so there are typically fewer insects visible.
However, at night, temperatures drop, and insects actively seek out warmer locations. This is where lights come in – they emit heat, providing a comfortable gathering spot for bugs.
Mistaken With Moonlights
Bugs don’t stay in the same place for long. They like to travel from one place to another with seasonal changes. However, bug scientists haven’t discovered the compass technology yet. So they follow the moonlight to keep their journey on the right path.
But here’s the catch – when bugs see a bright light, they mistake it for moonlight and gather around it. It’s not just any light that attracts them, though. Bugs are particularly drawn to lights with shorter wavelengths, like those that emit UV rays, as they resemble the characteristics of moonlight.
Mistaken with Flower
Have you ever wondered why bugs seem to be naturally drawn to certain types of lights? It turns out that bugs have a thing for ultraviolet (UV) rays, which are emitted by many different types of light. But why do they love UV rays so much? Well, it might have something to do with their love for flowers.
You see, some flowers actually reflect UV rays, which bugs are naturally attracted to. So, when bugs see a light source emitting UV rays, they might mistake it for a flower and fly towards it.
Who Do LED Lights Attract Bugs?
We know why light attracts bugs. However, there is been an ongoing question, “Do LED lights attract bugs?”. The question has been ongoing for quite a long time cause the answer is always confusing. There are people who claim LED does attract bugs and there are some manufacturer company who claim LED doesn’t attract bugs.
Well, both parties are right in that case. To know why both claims are true, you have to keep reading.
• Cause of the Color Temperatures:
Color temperature is one of the big fat reasons for attracting bugs. Why is this? The study on bugs will help you to understand.
There is been a study on bugs on a farm. The firm was divided into many sections and then set up different color lighting in different sections to see what color spectrum attracts the bugs most.
The result showed that bugs find black light most appealing. The second most attractive color to bugs was blue and then serially white, yellow, green, and red.
LED lights with 3500-4000 kelvin give off the blue color wavelength. So you see, LED with 4000+ kelvin will attract bugs.
• Cause of Ultraviolet Rays:
In the above, we mentioned that lights attract bugs cause light emits UV rays. Now, many companies have claimed that LED light doesn’t produce UV rays.
To be honest, the statement isn’t completely true. If you are using a LED light with a higher kelvin and luminance proportion factor then it will be a quite shiny light. That light will produce a bit of heat and will provide cooler lights. The ultimate result will create UV rays and this will attract insects.
Which Type of LED Lights Attract Bugs Most:
After our above discussion of why LED light attracts bugs, you can identify by yourself which type of LED Lights attract bugs. We do not doubt your ability, though we make a list of LED lights that attract bugs so that you can understand it better.
- Cool LED spotlight
- Cool white LED light
- Neutral color LED light
- Shorter wavelength LED light
- Bluish, white, and green LED light
What Color of LED Lights Doesn’t Attract Bugs:
Bugs are very annoying, especially at night when you are walking in the garden peacefully or taking dinner outside. You will see a lot of bugs flying near the light, this disturbance will break your concentration.
That’s why you should know what LED light doesn’t attract bugs to enjoy those outside moments peacefully.
Ecologist Michael Justice, who has a Ph.D. from the University of North Carolina, Greenboro did summer long experiment on insects. He did a research on insect attractiveness on the six most common store-bought light bulbs.
From that experiment, he found that warm-colored LED light that produces red, yellow or orange hue is the least attractive to bugs.
How Can You Make Your LED light Non-Attracted to Bugs?
Now, you know almost every reason why LED lights attract bugs. Can you guess how to keep bugs away from LED lights?
Yes, you guessed it right. We have to use warmer temperatures light that provides a yellow or orange color vibe then bugs won’t find it attractive and won’t come near to it.
However, there are some other alternative actions you can take to keep bugs away from lights. Let’s see.
- Ensure that there is no standing water in your house. It could happen from flower pots water or pets bath water, so be careful.
- Keep your unscreened entryways and windows shut cause any brightness from your home will draw attention to bugs.
- Most importantly, keep your open-air space clean and use cover holder bins for rubbish and waste food.
- Herbal-infusion sprays work well to keep bugs away from LED light, you can try this.
What sorts of bugs are attracted to LED lights:
Not all the bugs are mad for lights. If you are interested in bugs then here is a list of bugs that are highly attracted to LED light. Let’s see,
- Moths
- Flying Termites
- Flying Ants
- Mosquitos
- Flies
- Beetles
- Wasps
- Bees
- Weevils
- Lacewings
- Earwigs, etc.
Do all the bugs attracted to light? No, there are Batman bugs too, they like the darkness. For example, we can name cockroaches or earthworms.
Can LED Light be Used for Killing Bugs:
Let me help you find your answer all by yourself. Last night you saw a lot of bugs flying surrounding the LED bulbs. Now, the next day when you will go near the light, you see lots of bug dead bodies. What do you think, happen there?
Well, you see light doesn’t only attract bugs if the light temperature is too high it can kill bugs too.
However, some lights are specially designed to kill bugs. The Bug Zapper and Wiyifada LED Bulb are the two most well-known bug zappers on market.
These bulbs emit UV rays to attract bugs with the high-voltage electric grid. When the bugs come near to the light, it instantly kills the insects. You can use these LED light zappers to kill bugs.
What Can You Do to Keep Bugs Away at Night:
Bugs annoy us most at night time. Here are some techniques we can adopt to get rid of bugs’ appearance at night.
- Use bug repellent
- Wear bright color long sleeves and long pants:
You can wear long and bright clothes while sleeping at night. Cause long clothes will cover your arm so bugs or mosquitos won’t be able to bite you. And bugs are mostly attracted to darker colors so it won’t come near your bright shiny color clothes.
- Install a ceiling fan:
It helps to keep away mosquitos. Mosquitos will mostly avoid biting cause they can’t put up with the heavy ceiling fan wind.
- Plant Marigolds:
You can plant marigolds flowers cause bugs can’t stand by its smell.
That was everything about our today’s discussion on “do LED lights attract bugs?”. Now, you know almost every light attracts bugs no matter if it’s LED, incandescent, or fluorescent. To get rid of annoying bugs appearing in the room use warmer color LED lights and always keep your room clean.
I am Mark Braeden, a professional electrician based in California. With over a decade of experience in the electrical industry, I have launched this website with the aim of sharing my expertise and providing solutions to common lighting issues that can cause frustration for homeowners.
Whether you need help selecting the right bulb for your living room lamp or require guidance in installing LED strip lights, I am here to assist you.
But it’s not just about fixing problems. I’m also here to inspire you with all sorts of creative lighting ideas that can transform your home.